The Community Service Program (KKN) in Jagan Village, Bendosari District, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java Province by Eka Auliya Syifa who is a KKN student from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University this time presents the latest innovation in mathematics learning for elementary school students. Titled “Comic Learning Math: Comic Media as Mathematics Learning to Increase Elementary School Students’ Interest in Reading and Learning to Count,” this program was successfully implemented at SD Negeri 2 Jagan on Tuesday (23/7/2024).

Through the use of comics as learning media, students are invited to understand mathematical concepts in a way that is more fun and easy to understand. This is expected to increase students’ interest in reading and enthusiasm for learning, especially in numeracy lessons which are often considered difficult. “With this learning comic, I see that children are more enthusiastic in learning math. It’s easier for them to understand the material being taught,” said one of the teachers at SD Negeri 2 Jagan.

The program not only received positive responses from students and teachers, but also from parents who felt a change in their children’s interest in learning at home. The math learning comics are expected to become a learning model that can be applied in other schools to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

The method used in this program involves the creation and distribution of comics that contain interesting stories with characters that solve various mathematical problems. 

Student response was very positive, and teachers at SD Negeri 2 Jagan also appreciated the program. “We hope this method can continue to be used because it is very effective in increasing students’ interest in learning,” said a math teacher at the school.

This math learning comic is expected to be a creative solution to the challenges of learning math in elementary schools, as well as an inspiration for other innovative learning methods in the future. (Eka)

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